Welcome to CaringSa !
CaringSA registered as a provider of Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for people who require specialist housing solutions due to having significant functional impairment or very high support needs.
To access SDA-listed specialist housing, either with LDS or a community housing provider, participants require SDA in their NDIS plan, usually for either:
Please note that CaringSA is not a standalone SDA housing provider. The SDA housing is usually provided as part of a Supported Independent Living (SIL) Schedule of Support. Refer to the SIL page for further information, or ring and speak to one of our friendly Client Services Intake managers.
At CaringSA, we pride ourselves on continuous development. From achieving life goals to enhancing our service delivery, CaringSA wants to stay at the forefront of person-centred supports. We do this through:
Within several months of commencing services with CaringSa, we develop with the client an ILP. This plan is a person-centred approach to combine their NDIS goals with personal goals, health information and assessments, medication, authorisations and behaviours. CaringSa reviews these goals quarterly with the client and updates all information on an annual basis.